Today has been a busy day of submitting (if you'll pardon the pun) our little podcast to a huge chunk of directories. It's such an exciting and terrifying feeling to take something you've been working on for a long while and finally presenting it to the world.
We talked long and hard about doing this venture, about the benifits, such as educating people about a subject they may have misconceptions about, and the cost, exposing our personal lives and hearts to the internet. At the end of the day, we decided that there was far more to be gained than lost, and so we find our selves here- on the threshold of a new experience.
I think I squeed when I saw that our first episode had already had two listens. It might not seem like much, but to me, it's amazing!
Thus far we have the first 10 episodes blocked out, 3 episodes complete and ready to post and are ready to record number 4 tomorrow. Until then, I think we shall play a little Magic!

Oh..and BTW...if you play Magic:The Gathering or are interested, we play MTGO online and record our drafts to help people learn and to entertain. Check us out!
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