Wednesday, 1 February 2017

A New Resolve.

Hey everyone, Step here.

It's February 1st, and the experts say that by this point, we've all most likely given up on our new year's resolutions.

Those are crappy anyway, right? No one expects to keep their resolutions. Well, I disagree! If you didn't, in your heart of hearts, think it was possible to make changes to your habits, you wouldn't have made the resolutions to begin with, and even if you're not one of those who pins their hopes on the new year, personal improvement is an ongoing continuum of improvement, which is the whole point I'm about to make.

For the past month, I have been struggling to put into place all those improvements I've wanted to see in myself for the past year. If I'm being completely honest, for the past several years, and I have to admit, I've been failing.

Sure, there were external factors. There was a lot of hurry up and wait, of trying to get things started, and being thwarted by timing, or inadequate preparation, but just as much I can see the underlying issues.

I can see how I go to bed later than I should. I can see how I leave key elements to others, instead of learning to do it myself. I can see how I prefer to watch the entire run of Friday Nights in sequential order to actually getting writing done.

It's been a busy month, with plenty of challenges and more than it's share of stress, but even with all the procrastination, I've accomplished a lot. Tams and I have hammered out a schedule for all of our projects, and we're one week into our full implementation timeline. There's a lot more to do, and that's where the schedule helps. We use a simple Google calendar to track everything. It's easy.

The hard part is sticking to it, and that's where I tend to fall down. I like junk food. I like junk media. I like letting other people be creative while I'm being entertained, but if I really want to change that, it's going to take dedication, with more than a little trial and error.

To that end, I invite you, all if you, anyone who really wants to succeed, not to give up! Our new year's resolutions aren't just for new year's. Let's stay resolved, and let's do it together.
Tomorrow is February 2nd, known in some parts of the world as Groundhog Day. It just so happens to be a holiday I enjoy. It's not that there is a tradition of oracular rodents that I enjoy, it's a movie.

Groundhog Day stars Bill Murray as a man whose life is on the wrong track until a magical bartender (just a theory) gives him the chance to live one day over again until he does it perfectly. Only after he's succeeded in improving himself does he get to go on with the rest of his life, but until then, he gets to keep trying. I've always loved this as a metaphor for learning.

I invite you to join Tams and me tomorrow as we watch this dumb little film, and then rededicate ourselves to the challenges we wish to overcome throughout the following year. If we can do it, you can do it, too!

I hope to see some good comments, about what you all intend to work on this year!

Thanks so much for reading,

- Step.

Kink Geek: Episode 61- "Art VS Porn"

Listen to "Kink Geek: Episode 61- "Porn VS Art"" on Spreaker.